Water Report - July 7th, 2023

Water Report - July 7th, 2023

We are still anticipating potential implementation of the time of day restrictions as outlined in the Alberta fishing regulations, but some recent precipitation has cooled things off slightly and added some much needed moisture to the ground. The cool nights and rainy weather have postponed this for now, but it's still good to be mindful of mid-day heat waves and overall conditions, and Keep Fish Wet when fishing catch and release fisheries. Three best practices for fish recovery and release are:

  1. Minimize air exposure 
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time. 

The Bow River has been producing some quality dry fly fishing this spring and the first week of July has been no exception. Stoneflies are continuing to come off at night and we are seeing some excellent bursts of top water caddis feeding in the late evenings. Lots of other bugs are coming off depending on conditions, like PMDs, BWOs, Little Golden Stones, and Sulphurs. 

Mountain Streams are in great shape with Drakes starting to hatch, Caddis persisting, and even a few Stoneflies still coming off. Water is clear and cold.

Bow River Flies to try: 

Dries: Peacock Caddis, Rio's Foam Run Caddis and Bloom's Parachute Caddis are still great Caddis options. Small hopper patterns like Yeti Hopper or White Cloud are starting to work, as well as small More-or-Less Hoppers in goldenrod.

Streamers: Small Leech patterns like Aaron's Leech or Peacock leech stripped or dead drifted under a hopper have been hot. Bright baitfish patterns like Coffey's Sparkle Minnow in Sculpinor Skiddish Smolts are worth trying.  

Nymphs: Try an emerger like Swink's Core Caddis or Juan's Kryptonite as a dropper on a dry dropper rig, plus Chai T's (tied by Will), TJ Hookers, Soft Hackle Jig Pheasant Tails.

Fingers crossed for more rain! Happy Fishing. 


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