Time of Day Angling Restrictions continue to be in effect as outlined in the Alberta fishing regulations and on mywildalberta.com.  Angling is not permitted from 2:00 PM to midnight (14:00 to 24:00)  in all rivers and streams (flowing waters) in fisheries management zone ES1, including the Bow River downstream of Banff National Park to Bassano Dam (this includes Ghost Reservoir, Glenmore Reservoir, Bearspaw Reservoir and Bassano Reservoir). The St. Mary's River mainstem (including tributaries) below the St. Mary's Reservoir in fisheries management zone PP1 is also effected.

When you do head out.... 

 Keep Fish Wet when fishing catch and release fisheries. Three best practices for fish recovery and release are:

  1. Minimize air exposure 
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time. 

A quick release tool is a great tool to help minimize handling. These will help to release fish with minimal handling. There are a few quick release options, all of which work well. 

Water clarity is excellent right now. Tons of bugs! Clouds of Tricos, Craneflies, still some Caddis, and a few PMD's hanging around.

It's Hopper time! There are lots around. Fished as single flies, or as part or a hopper-dropper rig, hoppers are a great choice right now. Leeches are a good choice for a dropper fished 3-4 feet under your hopper, smaller nymphs should be dropped about 18-24 inches.

Streamer fish has been steady. If weeds become a problem try something with less weight like a Wooly or Bow River Bugger.

Water Boatmen have been spotted on the lower section.  

Mountain Streams are in great shape with Drakes, PMD's and Caddis persisting. Water is clear and cold.

Bow River Flies to try: 

Dries: Hopper patterns like the Yeti Hopper, Dave's Hopper and More-or-Less Hoppers in both purple and goldenrod. Attractor patterns like Yellow Rubber Legged Stimulators, Trina's Chew Toys, Skid Bitch, Willie's Ant, and Orange Chernobyl Ants are all worth a try. Dead drift, or skitter across pools to provoke strikes. Peacock Caddis, Parachute Purple Haze and Para Caddis are great options for smaller dries.

Streamers: Small Leech patterns like Aaron's Leech, Peacock Leech, or a TB Ice Leech stripped or dead drifted under a hopper have worked great. Kreelex Minnows, Bow River Buggers (both Conehead and OG), Wooly Buggers (Black or Brown)

Nymphs: Will's Chai T, TJ Hookers, Aaron's BT Rubber Leg, Reece's Pieces, Tugsten Prince, Copper John's, Dee's Boatman Tungsten, and Wagler Boatman.

Maybe do a rain dance if you have a minute! Happy Fishing. 


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