Duncan Reed - Bow River Guide

Duncan has been assisting guests in the shop for several years and brings extensive product insights and local knowledge to his days on the water with guests.
How long have you been guiding?
2024 was my first guiding season.
Why and how did you get started in guiding?
I love fishing, and helping people fish, and have an obsession with the Bow River. After working in the fly shop it seemed like a natural progression in the pursuit of my passion.
Are you a fly tier? Favorite pattern(s)?
Yes. DK Hoppers, CDC Caddis, and Dungeons.
What do you row? Why?
A Clacka Craft Fly Pod. I like Clackas. I think they’re well built with a great design for the bottom. The Fly Pod has a very unique internal layout, and I thoroughly enjoy guiding and fishing out of it.
Favorite fishing technique?
Streamers, or dry fly for rising fish.
Do you prefer guiding experienced anglers or beginners?
Both! They both offer unique opportunities, challenges, and experiences.
Your strengths as a guide?
I’m patient, and work my ass off for my clients.
What do you do to add to the experience on a slow(er) day?
Tell jokes, do casting lessons (depending on the client), teach entomology, point out interesting features on the bow that have historical stories, and in general try to make the best of a less than ideal situation.
Favorite guide-related memory?
My client hooks a nice rainbow about 30 feet away from the boat and sets the hook a bit too hard, breaking the hopper and the dropper off. I see the fish jump once, spitting the flies out in the process. A second or two later it jumps a second time at my oar blade, and jumps straight into my boat, landing next to me. That fish wanted to be caught!
Something crazy that happened while guiding?
Looking upstream to my two-boater partner’s boat for the day and seeing what I think is the guide netting a massive fish. As we pull up for lunch I say “Hey, looked like you hooked a good fish at X.” The other guide smiles and goes, “yeah, it was a hundred eighty pounder!” as he looks back at his client in the backseat who still looks a bit damp. Both boats almost cried laughing.
This is seasonal work. What do you do in the off-season?
I work for Fish Tales Fly Shop in the store.
Given the opportunity, who would you choose to fish with? Or tell us about someone who has inspired you as an angler/tier/teacher/guide.
My friends and coworkers are always my number one choice, and I think always will be. That being said, Kelly Galloup would be pretty cool to watch streamer fish.
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