Water Report - end of June 2023

Water Report - end of June 2023


Summer has arrived early this season. Due to an unusually low snowpack and higher early season temperatures run-off is over on the Bow River, and summer fishing is here. 

Guides are already hopper-dropper fishing, seeing good success on the dry fly. The golden stonefly hatch has started. While not seeing dense clusters of stonefly shucks on rocky banks, there are stoneflies hatching in low numbers, and trout are looking for them. Caddis and pale morning dun (PMD) mayflies are also hatching in good numbers, making dry fly fishing successful throughout the day and into the evening. Overall the dry fly fishing on the Bow River has been very good so far this season. 

Early season streamer fishing has been very good on the Bow with exciting and aggressive eats from trout all day long. The trout have also not been too selective about the size of streamers and fish have been taking a wide variety of sizes, ranging from big Dungeon’s to small leeches. 

While higher than average for June, water temperatures have generally  been fine for fish - especially after the cooler temps mid-month. However, the temps have increased significantly this week and are starting to get into the concerning zone.

The good fishing is expected to slow as water temperatures continue to rise. Fish Tales is expecting time of day restrictions again this season within the next couple of weeks. Ultimately, this will depend on the amount and consistency of rain and cooler temperatures  in and around the city. Our advice is to get out fishing while the getting is good! 

Flies to try:: 

Dry Flies: 

Fools Gold Golden Stonefly, Skid Bitch, Willie’s Ant, Pav’s CDC X-caddis, Double Vision PMD - lite cahill, sizes 14, 16, or 18 


Pennington’s Improved Rib Stonefly, Juan’s Kryptonite Caddis, Tungsten Jig Slim Jim, TB Simi Seal Leech 


Eric’s Jealousy in  tan/orange or olive/black, Kreelex Minnows - copper/black, copper/gold or black/pearl, Veil Leech - chocolate covered cherry

Good luck, and tight lines. 

Duncan R

photos from Courtney N and Terry J

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