Fishing Report - June 1, 2018

Fishing Report - June 1, 2018

It's been awhile and much has changed since our May 8 report. Apologies for the delay in providing up-to-date info - our content generator was out of the province for much of that time. 

The Bow River is a bit like a yo-yo these days with fluctuating water levels. These changing levels aren't ideal for the rivers' inhabitants. 

That said, the higher waters offer some great fishing opportunities and it is typical runoff time-of-year. During this time stripping streamers can bring big rewards. Water clarity is improving and is now at about 30 cm/1 foot. 

Flies to try: 

Nymphs - as always we encourage folks to have a variety of San Juan Worms at the ready for any trip to the Bow. Whether you prefer heavier red wire worms or fine chenille patterns like Reece's Pieces be sure to leave some room in your boxes for these popular options. Other staples like Prince Nymphs, Pheasant Tails, Copper Johns, and leech patterns are also go-to's throughout the season. 

We are a few weeks away from the dry stonefly action on the river so now is a good time to start actively fishing these bugs in their nymph stage. Options include: Rubber leg squirrels, jimmy legs, or Smethurst Stone Bombs.

Dries: Caddis imitiations and general mayfly patterns. Swisher's Dancing Caddis, Bloom's Parachute Caddis, Adams. 

Streamers: The choices are endless. Often darker colored streamers are the go-to when the water is running higher and slightly off-color. Bow River Buggers, Black and White Clousers, Flesh eating sculpins, dungeons, are all good options. 

Pike season is in full swing and we are full stocked and ready to help you with that pursuit. Capitalize on David's pike knowledge with a quick trip in to discuss pike fishing tactics. Pike are one of his passions and though he doesn't get out often these days for them he spent several seasons guiding folks in to the big girls. 

We have a large selection of flies dedicated to this pursuit plus some custom articulated Bufords courtesy of Grip-It Flies. Check out our video on setting up a pike leader here. 



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