Perdigon Nymphs

Perdigon Nymphs

There's a boatload of great blog posts and articles highlighting the history and tactical aspects of the Perdigon nymph. We don’t want to repeat those posts here – you can Google them if you want to know more. The history and record of success with Perdigon nymphs might convince you to give them a try.

The Perdigon style nymph will be showing up in the shop bin in 2020. We think they will become popular on our local water.  Perdigon nymphs are fun, easy to tie and they catch fish too. They’re sleek, heavy, and get down quickly with their smooth bodies, oversized beads, and scant tails. The potential variations of this pattern are endless, from more realistic colors and silhouettes, to attractor nymphs with psychedelic combinations of flash and fluorescent hot spots. Be creative and have some fun exploring variations.


Tying a Perdigon Nymph is a relatively simple matter of selecting some Coq De Leon feather barbs, some type of body material (thread, flash, etc.), a rib of wire or flash, all brought together, typically, with some sort of bright, contrasting thread. The fly is coated with a thin layer of UV glue to make it as smooth as a pebble.  Add a black dot with a marker or some black nail polish for a wing case and you’re done. 

Ask us more about our #shopties when you're in the shop and let us know what successful patterns you come up with for our local water.



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