Getting down with jigs

Getting down with jigs

Fish Tales customers will see more and more jig style flies in our bins as we restock and gear up for next season.
Many of these flies, inspired by competitive fly fishing and Euro/
Czech/tight-line style nymphing, are becoming customer favourites – they are very effective.
We’ve had customers ask why they would want to use jig-style nymphs or jig-style leeches.

There are many reasons, but the simple answer is probably three fold:

1) Jigged flies ride hook up so you can connect with the bottom more often without snagging up and losing your rig. Euro-nymphing specialists practically drag these flies over the bottom of a stream and are able to effectively find and catch fish without fouling up.  
2) Most of our jigged flies are tied with slotted tungsten beads and tied on strong hooks (such as the Daiichi 4647) that look great, get down quick, and hold onto big fish.
3) Jigged flies arguably present a bug in a more horizontal, natural, position – like a real bug drifting or swimming when twitched.   Lake fisherman take this to another level with balanced leeches which ride perfectly horizontal.  Many people think this position helps to entice picky fish with subtle ‘jigged’ presentations.  

Overall, our guides, staff and customers have been very impressed with jigged flies and are even preferring them over many of our traditional nymphs.  Jigged nymphs worked particularly well this summer and fall as droppers too.  

When you’re into the shop next, have a look in our bins and consider trying something new – maybe a new twist on an old fly like a jigged copper john or prince. Talk to our staff about tying your own flies on jig hooks, too – we are loving tying flies like the perdigon – a sleek, heavy and deadly fly you may want to give a try.


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