Water Report - June 7, 2023

Water Report - June 7, 2023

The Bow is low (you probably noticed.)

In early June we usually experience high water/runoff throughout the province. This year is different. Runoff- at least in the Southern part of the province - is finished.

Locally the Bow river flow rate is about what it is most year's in mid-August. We're hearing similar reports about other Eastern Slopes watersheds (think Oldman, Highwood, Livingston). All reporting low and clear. 

This bodes well for early season fishing and for season opener next week on the Eastern slopes.

This might not bode well for later in the season. A quick look on the Alberta Rivers website shows a water shortage advisory for 21 Water Management Areas; Nose Creek, Fish Creek, and the Sheep River included. The snow pillow is depleted; flow rates are (alarmingly) low; and water temperatures are up.  

We are anticipating an early (July 1) implementation of the time of day restrictions as outlined in the Alberta fishing regulations. We need some cooler, rainy days - the fish would like those too!

On the up side.... Alberta wild roses are in bloom (which generally means stonefly activity). Caddis are hatching. And the fish are eating.

We have some guide availability if you're interested in getting out during this early season. Contact the shop to book your day. 

Bow River Flies to try: 

Dries: Caddis like Swisher's dancing caddis, peacock caddis, Bloom's parachute caddis. Stonefly imitations like the Skid Bitch, Willie's ant, Chernobyl,  Ken's Chubby Jack. 

Streamers: No need to go too big. Black and white clousers, skiddish smolts, Bow river buggers, peacock leeches, or Aaron's BT leech are all great choices. 

Nymphs: We're still loving the jig style nymphs - Chai T's (tied by Will), TJ hookers, prince nymphs, jimmy legs, San Juan Worms. 

It's crazy early in the season to provide this reminder but we hope each of you reading this will choose to follow the principles from Keep Fish Wet when fishing during this lower flow/warmer temperature time.

  1. Minimize air exposure 
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time. 

Hoping for some rain and more seasonal temperatures. 

Happy Fishing. 


Matt Chatani pic 

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