River Report - August 27, 2018

River Report - August 27, 2018

Bow River flow rates are running very stable at the moment on the low side of the long term average (74-77cms). The stable water flows and cooler weather are making for happy fish. We have basically transitioned into early fall fishing very quickly!


With the cooler wet weather we started to see the Blue Winged Olive (Baetis, BWO) hatch start in earnest on the rainy cool Friday last week. The fish this year have been happy to show their faces and eat off of the surface which always makes people happy. The rising fish are not always easy as they can be very picky with smaller size bugs (tricos (#18-20) and now BWO's(#18-20) during the day and small caddis (#16-18) in the evening but it sure it fun to target them. The large fall caddis (October Caddis) (#8-10) have also started to make an appearance. Water Boatman (#14-18) are starting to show up along the bottom which always makes for fun fishing once the fish start keying in on them.

Our primary technique has been hopper dropper most of this summer. A smaller (#16-18) bead head dropper has started to work very well but a leech dropper (#8-10) is still working especially in the slower stretches. Streamer fishing has also improved dramatically with the cooler temperatures. Standard nymphing is also working and will still be your "numbers" technique.

We are starting to see the Rainbows finally start to put on some weight which is encouraging as it has taken longer than other years. The Browns are in amazing shape and starting to have some beautiful colours in preparation for the fall.

As always please handle our very precious fish with care and keep them wet!

Flies to try: 

Nymphs: Small (size 12-18) beadhead nymphs like Princes, Copper Johns, Lightning bugs, Pheasant tails, UV Hare's Ears, two-bit hookers, BWO killer, Tung Studs,  San Juan Worms

Streamers: Black and White Clousers, Flesh Eating Sculpins, Flash Buggers, Kreelex Minnows, Skidish Smolts, Peacock Leech, Aaron's BT leech, 

Dries: Yeti Hopper, Evan's Baby Foam Hoper, Henneberry's Hopper, Catch's Hopper, Fat Frank, trico patterns, BWO patterns, Orange Stimulator/Dark Stimulator, Jake's trigger belly foam in tan. 

Happy Fishing!

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