River Report - August 10, 2018

River Report - August 10, 2018

Bow River flow rates have leveled out and are staying at around 100 cms in the city. Fish are happy with the stabler flows and fortunately water temperatures are staying in a reasonable zone (below 17 celsius/65 fahrenheit). We have a couple more days of this hot weather before a brief switch to cooler temperatures which will help to keep temperatures good for fishing.

That said when you're on the water this time of year it's especially important to practice good fish-handling techniques:

  • On the hot days it's a good idea to fish early in the day
  • Use slightly heavier tippet/leader material than your ‘normal.’ This will allow you to land your catch and get it back in to the water in less time.
  • Pinch your barbs – this will minimize the stress to the fish when you are releasing it.
  • Keep your catch in the water.  If you want to take pictures try taking them with the fish in the net or while holding the fish halfway (with gills submerged)  in the water.
  • Take some time to revive any fish you are releasing – experts suggest at least as much time should be spent ensuring your catch has recovered from the fight as you spent fighting the fish.
  • Be aware of water temp…. if it feels warm to you it’s likely time to reel in and fish another day. Better yet – carry a thermometer with you and take intermittent readings while on the water.

Bow River anglers are blessed this year with good numbers of fish that are looking up - hoppers, tricos, and caddis are the order of the day. 

Flies to try: 

Nymphs: Small (size 12-18) beadhead nymphs like Princes, Copper Johns, Lightning bugs, Pheasant tails, Hare's Ears, Evil Weevils, San Juan Worms, Stonefly nymphs

Streamers: Black and White Clousers, Flesh Eating Sculpins, Gartside Leeches, Peacock Leech, Aaron's BT leech, 

Dries: Hybrid Hopper, Yeti Hopper, Catch's Hopper, trico patterns, Dave's hopper, Evan's Baby Foam Hopper, Bullethead Hopper. 

Happy Fishing!


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