Fishing Report - June 23, 2018

Fishing Report - June 23, 2018

The Bow River is swollen from recent rains. River flows nearly doubled since Friday afternoon before peaking at around 325CMS earlier today. Levels are dropping now and should start to settle out - barrring any additional rain. 

Reports from customer's west of the city suggest we will continue to see dirtier water as the river recovers from rain in the foothills/mountains as well. Fish Tales did not put boats on the water today and has cancelled all floats for June 24. Monday floats to be determined.

Prior to the rainstorms the river had been fishing well with fish being landed on leeches, stonefly nymphs, and occassional surface stonefly eats. We should return to those conditions in a few days once things have settled out. 

While Sunday may be a day to kick back and tie flies or head to a reservoir or lake or moving water the rain didn't hit we should be back to decent  conditions on the Bow soon. 

Once things have cleared up a bit here are some of the flies we'd recommend having with you: 

Nypmphs: San Juan Worms, Jimmy Legs, Smethurst Stone Bombs, BH Prince Nymph, Strolis' Shimmer Stone, Rubber Leg Squirrel, Gummy stone, LEECHES.

Streamers: Black and White Clouser, Galloup's Dungeon, Galloup's Mini Bangtail, flesh eating sculpin, sparkle minnows. 

Dries: Stonefly imitations like the Skid Bitch, LLS Chernoybl, Jake's trigger stone, Chubby Chuck, PMD patterns, Aaron's Caddis, Swisher's Dancing Caddis. 

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