With weather in the teens it looks like the big thaw is on, or maybe just a big thaw. Get out there and give it a try before the water muddies up, or the freeze comes back later in the week. Be careful on ice shelves. Consider what is underneath you, shelves over pools and deeper water are sketchy. Watch for floating ice and wade carefully.

Nymphing will still be your best bet for catching fish. Fish pools, and deep runs, slow and deep targeting deep pools and holding waters. Deep walking pace water, or thereabouts, is what you should be looking for. If you are not hitting bottom occasionally, add split shot and maybe some tippet.  

Split Shot 

Streamer fishing is improving, but still fish deep and slow. A deep pool and a heavy sink tip is a good bet. Let the flies finish out their drift and and give a few short strips to entice any followers before recasting.

Trout spey is a two-handed fly casting technique that generally enables the fisher to cover more water than with a single handed rod. Trout spey rods are longer (11ft.+) than single-handed rods (9 ft.) and use casts based off the roll cast. Spey casts can be used in tight situations where a back cast is impossible, but can also be used in open water to utilize distance and ease of casting. Swinging flies is a very effective way to cover a great deal of fishable water.

Hatches of Blue Winged Olives and midges have resumed now that the weather has warmed. Watch back eddies and soft inside edges of pool for snouts. Subtle rises, long leaders and small dry flies. Good fun! 

Ice Flow

Watch for floating ice. Seriously!

Pinch your barbs. Pinching your barbs will help ensure that releasing the fish is easier on both you and the fish.

We recommend that you handle your fish with care by:
  1. Minimize air exposure
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time

More fly tying materials might be in order.

Our Level 1 Fly Fishing Course is a comprehensive introduction to fly fishing. 

This one day session spent half in a classroom environment, learning about equipment, knots, river structure, insect life and more, before students head outside for a dry-land casting session.

Cost is $150 and lasts a full day, lunch included. Register in-store, by phone, or on-line.

The first two sessions, Sunday May 5 and  Saturday May 11th, are full. Click here for Course dates and availability

Check out what else is available on our courses page. 

Bow River Flies to try: 

Dries: With the improved weather maybe give midges or blue winged olives a try. Midges to try are: Doug's Gnatty Boy, Griffith's Gnat, Parachute Midges, and Zebra Midges. BWO patterns like: Double Vision BWO's, or Foam Emerger BWO Biot are worth a try. 

Streamers: Small leech patterns like an Aaron's Leech, Tungsten Peacock Leech, and black, brown or olive Woolly Buggers. Bow River Bugger, Clouser Minnow, or Flesh Eating Sculpin.

Nymphs: Will's Chai T, Kaleidoscope, TJ Hooker, Tungsten Prince, Copper John's, Zebra Midge's (Red, Olive or Black),Tung Brassie Copper and your favorite San Juan Worm variation.


Trout Spey: Mini Me Graboid (all colours), Mike's Mini Sculpin Black, RIO's Pocket Rocket (all colours).

Keep an eye on our events page for all of our activities.

Weather looks awesome. Watch for floating ice. Tight lines!


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