Suncloud Optics Sunglass Review

Suncloud Optics Sunglass Review

Most anglers understand the benefits of wearing polarized sunglasses. They knock down the haze and glare of reflected sunlight and help reduce the glare created by the sun on the water. With this glare eliminated, anglers are able to see into the water which makes polarized glasses pretty much a necessity for any water or snow sport. A polarized option for your sunglasses is also just a plain-old good idea for anyone who spends a lot of time outside.

Generally one of the biggest downsides to a decent pair of polarized sunglasses is the price. If you're in the market for a pair, it usually means kicking down a third of your paycheck for some high-end face candy, or spending $10 on a pair that'll either blind you or fall apart when you look at them funny! Neither proposition is exciting. Cue the new addition of Suncloud sunglasses to the Fish Tales Fly Shop family of products.

With a wide array of injection molded frames, multiple lens colors, and a readers option, (which proved to be a excellent option for these “old eyes!”), the Suncloud’s prove their worth for those on a budget, with a price tag that's just a small fraction of many others, coming in at less than $90.00

I had the opportunity to field test the “COVER” POLARIZED READERS (+1.50) on a recent 6-day helicopter trip targeting cutthroat trout. Days one and two of our trip blessed us with bright +30-degree temperatures, and The Cover's polarized lenses did a great job of cutting down glare reflected off the river. Their frameless design allows for a wide range of peripheral vision, which comes in handy when you're casting and trying to keep an eye out for falling rock from sheep and goats on the canyon walls above. The open design also means a lot of air motion, which makes lens fogging nearly nonexistent. The reader option was perfect for tying on size 14 to 18 flies and not having to flip back and forth between 2 sets of spectacles.

The Suncloud Covers are a lightweight versatile pair of shades. Their flexible bows provide a secure and comfortable fit and prevented any sore spots around my ears, while classic rectangular lenses look good on just about everyone. The grippy rubber on the nose and earpieces kept them on my face despite tripping numerous times, (I cannot chew gum and walk at the same time!) They offer great contrast and clarity that make them as useful in the car as on the water.

A subsidiary of Smith Optics, Suncloud knows a thing or two about sports sunglasses. Stop by the shop to have a look at the many different options that Suncloud has to offer. You will not be disappointed!

Tight Lines!

Kelly Zam


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