Casting Homeward by Steve Ramirez

Casting Homeward by Steve Ramirez

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Casting Homeward by Steve Ramirez is on a physical and philosophical journey to some of the most legendary rivers and wild landscapes in America. Imbued with fly-fishing throughout, this journey will seek to explore what makes certain places feel magical and meaningful. How do we define “iconic” when considering wild places that have seemingly held the ability to restore our souls and fill them with feelings of peace, belonging, awe, and gratitude? Each of these chosen regions has been considered an iconic destination for anyone who yearns for the wild places that are distinctly American. From the songbird-filled hardwoods of New England to the jack-pine Northwoods where wolves still sing in the night. From the Yellowstone Valley where bison feed next to tumbling trout streams to Bristol Bay where brown bears compete with anglers for salmon, steelhead, and leopard spotted rainbow trout. And each of these destinations has served as the birthplace of American literature that is intrinsically connected to the landscape and inspired by a love of the outdoors. In Casting Homeward, these legendary places will give us new stories, the stories of this century that are yet untold.

  • 280 pages
  • Lyons Press
  • ISBN-10: 1493077694
  • ISBN-13: 978-1493077694

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