Water report - May 10, 2019

Water report - May 10, 2019

As of May 8 local fishing opportunities opened up somewhat with pike season opener. Reports from the first couple days have been positive and the forecast this weekend will help conditions improve

If you’re heading out for northern pike for the first time (or 41st time), be sure you’re prepared with wire leader material and longer-handled forceps or hemostats  to simplify the release. We have several pike-specific fly patterns in addition to some crossover streamer patterns that will be just as effective on pike as they are on trout.

Flies to try: Len’s bunny killa, clousers, dungeons, circus peanut, mice patterns....

Bow river anglers may enjoy slightly quieter Bow river outings due to some folks hitting pike waters, There have been a lot of midges on the Bow for the past week or so and some fish have been looking up. We’ve also been seeing some larger mayflies; BWO's and March Browns (the larger ones). Caddis will also begin to be more prolific. If you put in the time and focus on searching out rising fish then you may be rewarded.

The river continues to be running low and clear.

 Bow river rainbows are still in spawning-mode which means we are primarily seeing brown trout and whitefish being caught. Bow river tributaries like Fish Creek are now in runoff which likely means the rainbows will soon be making their way back to the main stem of the Bow.

Flies to try:  

Nymphs: San Juan Worn, Aaron’s BT leech, fruit rollup, squirrel leech, stonefly nymphs like Smethurst stone bomb, Pennington’s improved stone, or rubber leg large(r) copper John patterns. 

Dries: Griffith’s gnat, smaller parachute Adams, stonefly dries like Jake’s trigger Belly foam bug (fishes with a dropper nymph.)

Streamers: black and white clouser, cone head Bow river bugger, other bugger patterns.

All Bow river boat launch access points are now open. Construction for bank stabilization  has started at the Glenmore boat launch area which could mean minor delays. 

Dates to note:

May 8 - Southern Alberta Pike Opener.

May 17 - Contracted Start date for alternate operations by Transalta (flood mitigation.) Be prepared for rising water levels on the Bow. 

And not far out now.... June 16th. 

Happy Fishing!



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