River Report - July 14, 2018

River Report - July 14, 2018

It's stonefly season on the Bow AND there's loads of other buglife around too. Anglers who like the slurpy surface takes of hungry trout on stones may want to head out early or stay late for the best chance on the surface.  

The Bow had a push of water come through a few days ago which has impacted surface activity a bit. If we have a few days of steadier flows we should be back in business with the bigger bugs and happier fish. As of today the 14th water levels have dropped by 30% which could really help the surface activity. 

If you want to increase your odds then fish a dry/dropper (aka hopper/dropper). 

The good news is that despite increased flows the upstream reservoirs - including Ghost - have more water than they did earlier in the month. We hope this means better levels for more of the season. 

The most successful days on the Bow recently have been overcast and cool. Brown trout and hot sun aren't the best of friends. If your fishing day winds up hot and sunny you may need to adjust your approach and nymph deeper runs. 

Keep an eye out for caddis, PMD's, PED's and various other mayfly patterns, early hoppers, and boatman (observed on the Elbow this week). Be prepped to change things up and capitalize during your outing. 

Flies to try:  

Nymphs: Rubber leg stones, Jimmy legs stones, Smethurst's Stone Bomb, Aaron's Caddis Emerger, Copper John, Two-bit hooker, Red-headed stepchild, Juan's Kryptonite Caddis, tungsten soft hackle BWO, San Juan Worm, Leech patterns. 

Dries: Stonefly dries like: LSS Chernobyl, Skid Bitch, Jake's Trigger Belly Foam bug (tan or black), white cloud hopper, Yeti Hopper, Swisher's dancing caddis, Aaron's Caddis,  Galloups Double wing Caddis, Foam X Caddis

Streamers: Black and White Clousers, Peacock leech, AAron's BT leech, Bow River Bugger, Galloups Dungeons, Kreelex Minnows, Skiddish Smolts, Catch's 4x4

Happy Fishing!

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