Mid-October River Report

Mid-October River Report

We hope everyone has been enjoying this extended beautiful weather that  mother nature has been giving us. Lots of amazing colors out there that have stuck around as well. Some leaves are ending up in the river now and can affect fishing in certain areas.

The Bow is low and clear and there are a few hardy souls still wet wading! The end is in sight though and it will be waders until next year.

We have had extended warm daytime temperatures making fishing consistent through the day. There have been some small fly (midges & blue winged olives) surface-eaters if you are up to the challenge in the afternoons and just before the sun goes down, which is much earlier these days.

Water boatman fishing has been quite consistent the past several weeks. These water beetles are fun to fish as there are many methods that work with them. Hopper dropper, standard nymphing, swinging with a streamer all work!

We're also seeing lots of small minnows everywhere. Streamer fishing is producing some very nice fish if you are willing to put in the time. If you aren’t headed salmon/steelhead fishing just use the same swing technique here on the Bow and it works very well. Some of the recent “grabs” have been aggressive.


Flies To Try:

Nymphs:    Prince Nymph, Copper Johns in #14-#16, Perdigon Jig style flies in 14-18. Lightning bugs 16-18, Tung Dart’s in 16 are all great droppers. San Juans have been back on the menu as well as the fish bulk up before heading to their wintering holes.

Dries: Heneberry Hopper, Fat Frank, More Or Less Hopper, Yeti Hoppers, Juicy Hopper make good indicators that just might get eaten! Size 8-10 if you are fishing a dropper. #18 Griffiths Gnat and BWO patterns for the sippers

Streamers: Kreelex Minnows, Skidish Smolt, Clouser Minnows, BH or Conehead Wooly Buggers, Mini Dungeons have been getting smashed at times as well!

Happy Fishing and enjoy the remaining beautiful fall days.


A recent streamer-eating Bow river whitefish


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