The cooler weather should stabilize water levels and improve general clarity. A recent lack of rainbows caught suggests the the spawn is under way. If you do catch a good sized 'bow, maybe forgo the picture and let it go as quickly and gently as possible. They have business to attend to.

Continue to focus your nymphing on deeper pools and runs. Fish as slowly, and as deeply, as possible. A tandem rig with a 9 ft. leader to the first fly, and then 18 inches to the bottom fly, should be almost ideal considering the lower water conditions.

The streamer fishing continues to improve. Deep and slow is still the way to go, but fish are now moving and starting to eating more in the moderately fast water. 

Hatches of midges and blue winged olives continue, watch back eddies and soft inside edges of pool for snouts. If you do see risers, long leaders and small dry flies are the way to go.

Trout spey can be used to cover water efficiently, with minimal effort. Casting flies with a two-handed rod is a useful skill that eliminates the back cast and can be used in close quarters to cover large amounts of water. 

Please pinch your barbs. Pinching your barbs will usually make releasing fish is easier on both you and the fish. A net, and/or catch and release tool, can also help with this process.

We ask that you handle your fish with care by:
  1. Minimize air exposure
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time

Our Level 1 Fly Fishing Course is a full day introduction to fly fishing. The first half of the day is spent in classroom. Here you will learn the basics about equipment, tying knots, how to deciphering river structure, insect life life cycles and more. The afternoon half of the class will be spent covering the basics of casting in a dry land setting.

This full day course costs $150, lunch included. Register in-store, by phone, or on-line.

The first three sessions, May 5, 11, and 25th, are full. The next available date is Sunday June 2. Click here for further course dates and availability

    Bow River Flies to try: 

    Dries: Midges: Doug's Gnatty Boy, Griffith's Gnat, Parachute Midges, and Zebra Midges. BWO: Double Vision BWO's, or Foam Emerger BWO Biot are worth a try. 

    Streamers: Tungsten CH Sparkle Yummy, Karnopp's Space Invader, Tungsten Found Ya Bugger, Bow River Bugger, or Clouser Minnow. Leeches: Aaron's Leech, Tungsten Peacock Leech, and black, brown or olive Woolly Buggers.


    If you're tying some streamers Boom Dubbing is a cool mix of Semperfli Ice Dubbing and SemperSeal. A versatile and effective tying material.

    Nymphs: Jimmy Legs, TJ Hooker, Rubber Legged Squirrel, Wire Worm, Atomic Worm, Will's Chai T, Kaleidoscope, Tungsten Prince, Copper John's, Zebra Midge's (Red, Olive or Black), and Tung Brassie Copper. 

    Trout Spey: Aqua Stu's Ostrich Intruder, Jerry's WMD Sculpin, Mini Me Graboid, Mike's Mini Sculpin Black, and AF Mattoli's Spey Bugger.

    Our next After Hours Presentation, Drift Boat Introduction, on Monday, April 29, 2024. Learn the basic concepts associated with rowing and fishing out of a drift boat. 


    As per the Alberta River Basins web application

    Date Level (m) Flow  (m³/s)
    2024-04-05 12:00:00 0.870 45.70
    2024-04-12 12:00:00 0.762 34.60
    2024-04-19 12:00:00 0.895 48.50


    April snowpack survey results

    Of the 30 April snow surveys completed by government, 10 sites showed average or above average snowpack for this time of year. This is a significant contrast from February, when only two sites surveyed had average snowpack or better.

    Oldman River basin – 4 of the 5 locations surveyed are within the normal range. The remaining location (Westcastle II) is 37 mm below the normal range.

    Bow River basin – 11 of the 17 sites were in the normal range or above. Sunshine Village is the lowest and is approximately 100 mm below the normal range.

    Red Deer River basin – The single snow survey completed in the Red Deer basin was much above average.

    North Saskatchewan River basin – 3 of the 4 sites surveyed were much below or below average; the remaining site was much above average (Limestone Ridge).

    Plan to attend our After Hours Presentations. Next up: Drift Boat Introduction on Monday April, 29, 7 pm at Graves Landing (Glenmore Boat Launch). 
    When you do venture out, stay safe, and wade carefully.

    Get out there! Tight lines!


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