G-Loomis IMX-Pro Review by Kelly Robertson

G-Loomis IMX-Pro Review by Kelly Robertson

After having my truck stolen and discovering they grabbed all my rods at the same time... I know, don’t leave your gear in your truck. In my defence they were locked in a drawer system that really the only way to get to them was to well, steal the whole truck. I decided to take my time over the winter and replace my quiver with what I felt was both cost effective and suited my casting style the best.
I make no bones about it. I have been a fan of G Loomis rods for a long time. My first premium rod was a Canadian made Loomis GL3 9’ 6wt. If it hadn’t of been stolen I would tell you that I still fish it almost every outing. (If anyone has one for sale... come see me at the shop)
What did I buy? Well, my first need was a 4wt for some mountain trips that we had planned. And my second priority was a 7 or 8wt streamer rod for the Bow. 
I have to say, I cast the IMX-Pro series in it’s entirety and made the easy decision to purchase both the 486-4 and the 790-4. 
Loomis rods are not wiggle friendly. What I mean by that is if you pick it up off the rack and wiggle it in the shop they aren’t going to scream buy me! The IMX series aren’t the lightest rods and until you cast one you won’t see where they shine. The entire IMX Pro series, which is a collaboration between Loomis, Laramer and Rajeff are designed to be workhorses, very durable and budget friendly. Like most Loomis products good quality components, very cleanly built and visually appealing as well. 
Excerpt from the product release:
“Sometimes fly rods are just plain fishy. The New G.Loomis IMX-PRO falls into this category. So what does that mean? Well for one the IMX-PRO was based on a purpose driven design as Tom Larimer G.Loomis Fly Fishing Manager and co-designer of the new rod series puts it. Modern fly fishing tactics are anything from large foam dries (aka chubby chernobyls) with droppers, double indicator rigs, articulated streamers, or even long fine leaders with small techy flies for finicky fish. All of these scenarios demand a lot out of a fly rod. With input from top fly fishing guides and professionals, Tom and Steve Rajeff set out to design the IMX-PRO fly rods around these exact situations.
With new Conduit Core technology and Multi Taper design graphite wraps have been replaced with new material to reduce weight and increase strength in all the right places. Positive taper actions which lend themselves to power when needed and finesse when desired. There is a rod in the IMX-PRO line-up for every situation.”
Fly Rods are all about feel. Although not the lightest in hand they have a very tolerable swing weight. These rods do what I want a rod to do. Powerful to handle some of the ridiculous flies and rigging that I throw. They easily combat the windy Alberta conditions. They may lack a slight bit of sensitivity but with the vast selection of fly lines available this is easily overcome. 
I plan on adding the 5 and 6wts shortly to round out what I feel is my perfect quiver.
Come by the shop, let me line one up and give it a cast. I think you’d be surprised by the performance of these mid price gems. 
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