In October 2019 we started posting weekly Fly Tie Tuesday featured flies to our social media feeds. These posts feature an image (or two) of a finished fly and the “ingredients list” for the finished pattern.
Yeah, its September! Many of us are thinking about giant steelhead right now. We thought we would post a classic - the bomber. The fly that originated in eastern Canada that works so well in western Canada. The fly floats well, skates well (add a riffle hitch), and makes Steelhead (as well as any other trout or salmon ) rise to the surface. This fly may seem like a simple tie, but stacking and sculpting that deer hair just right can be a challenge. The body can be trimmed using a combo of good quality straight and curved scissors (use tape to protect the wing and tail while cutting). Razor blades work exceptionally well to finish the body too - be careful. All we can say is practice, practice, practice and look forward to fishing the bomber - it is exceptional when you get a player to eat this one.