Mastering Pike on the Fly by Barry Reynolds
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Guide and master angler Barry Reynolds has a "deep, driving passion" for pike on the fly that permeates this book. He calls it "the most explosive, most exciting fishing you can find in freshwater." in every chapter, his intent is clear--to help the angler catch pike, more pike and bigger pike. He concentrates on doing just that, even under the most difficult conditions, when the pike's mood, water conditions, and weather work against the angler.
In his fourth book, Barry takes flyfishing for northern pike to a new level, far beyond the basics presented in his groundbreaking book, Pike on the Fly. Combining science with more than twenty years of experience flyfishing for pike, Barry gives anglers a true appreciation of northerns and their habitat and a full complement of strategies, flies, and tools needed to locate and catch pike under nearly every circumstance.
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