Caddisflies: A Guide to Eastern Species for Anglers and Other Naturalists by Thomas Ames

Caddisflies: A Guide to Eastern Species for Anglers and Other Naturalists by Thomas Ames

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The most complete pictorial survey of Trichoptera published to date. Based on thoughtful analysis, sound science, & many hours on the water collecting live insects & testing artificial flies; takes the myth & the mystery out of matching the hatch. More than 100 species in 55 genera & 20 families of the caddisflies that fly fishers are most likely to encounter. 395 color photos; 8.5x11 inches, 320 pgs.

More Information:

* Stunning and detailed color photographs of more than 100 species of caddisflies
* Caddisfly hatches and how to identify them
* Valuable tips on how to fish the hatch
* Fly patterns for caddisfly pupae, larvae, nymph, and adults
* Includes 80 recipes for caddis patterns

In the first major work on caddisflies in three decades, Caddisflies presents the most complete pictorial survey of Trichoptera published to date. Author, angler, and photographer Thomas Ames Jr. traveled from the southern Appalachian highlands to the Canadian Maritimes to collect, study, and photograph more than 100 species in 55 genera and 20 families of the caddisflies that fly fishers are most likely to encounter on the lakes and streams of the eastern United States.

Learn how you can use the ways in which these amazing insects have adapted to a wide range of aquatic habitats to predict which flies to choose. And learn how to present your flies when fish are feeding on caddisflies. Detailed descriptions and vivid photographs help identify the caddisflies on your favorite trout waters. This all-inclusive book includes advice on tackle and technique and a comprehensive catalog of pattern recipes.

“As caddis are the king of flying insects for Eastern fly fishers, Thomas Ames’s book shouts ‘Long live the king!’ This is an amazingly complete reference on one of the bugs fly fishers most commonly imitate with flies.” -- Joe Healy, Fly Rod & Reel

“The sections on stream ecology and fishing techniques are the best since Gary LaFontaine’s landmark book and alone are worth the price of admission. The photographs and descriptions make identifying a caddisfly to the genus level as easy as using a standard field guide to the birds. Ames’s writing is just plain enjoyable to read, with crisp, clean prose and lots of the details that make for great natural history writing. I can’t wait for the next caddis hatch so I can try out all the new stuff I’ve learned!” --Tom Rosenbauer, Orvis Rod & Tackle

“This book is inspiring: it will inspire you to look more closely at your own caddis, wherever in the world you might fish for trout. And it will inspire you to tie some new patterns to match caddis and to get out there on water, where it all starts and ends, and put what Tom has taught you to use against the trout.” --Dave Hughes, Flyfishing & Tying Journal

Thomas Ames Jr.
 is a commercial photographer who lives, works, and fishes in northern New England. He is the author of the Hatch Guide for New England Streams and Fishbugs.


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