River Report - October 14, 2023

River Report - October 14, 2023

Our banner shot is of Senyo's Artificial Intelligence II a trout spey fly that seems very trouty indeed. This fly is part of a new shipment of trout spey flies we received from Aqua Fly.
The cool weather has brought on Blue Winged Olives. Keep an eye out for snouts.

Conditions are great and Water Boatmen are in full swing on the Bow River. Swing, or quickly strip, boatmen through runs and pools. Slower water, and back eddies, should be targeted as well, swing or cast into slower water and strip back quickly and erratically.   


Hoppers can still be effective. The cold weather has them on their last legs and has made them sluggish. Some of them will certainly be hitting the water. Less eats these days when used in combination with a dropper, but they are still happening. Small leeches are always a good choice for a dropper fished 3-4 feet under your hopper, smaller nymphs and red worms should be dropped about 18-24 inches.

Water clarity is excellent right now. Still lots of weeds in the river as a result of our light run off and hot weather, resulting in a lot of bugs! Lots of Tricos, BWO's, and Fall Caddis flying around. 

Streamer fishing has been pretty awesome. Give trailing a leech, or water boatman, 18-24 inches behind a larger point fly a try. Results can be spectacular.

Mountain Streams are low but clear with hatches of BWO's and Fall Caddis. Get out there while you still can.

We encourage everyone to pinch their barbs. Pinching your barbs will help ensure that releasing fish is easier on you and the fish.

We always recommend you handle your fish with care by:
  1. Minimize air exposure
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time. 

Almost time to start tying flies to lose next summer. If you are thinking about getting into tying come down and have a chat, there are lots of options. If you are a veteran tyer a new vice could be in order. Check out the courses available this fall including Craig's five evening course on Lake Fly Tying and Fishing Tactics and Gideon's one night Game Changer tying class on our courses page.

Bow River Flies to try: 

Dries: Fall Caddis imitations like CDC Elk Hair Caddis in Orange and Goddard Caddis. BWO patterns like Para-Sipper, Double Vision BWO's. Parachute Purple Haze and Para Caddis are still great options for smaller dries. Terrestrials, ants and beetles, Arrick's Para Ant and Jake's Gulp Beetle are good choices. Still Hopper patterns like the Juicy Hopper, Heneberry Hopper, and the Morrish's Hopper. Attractor patterns are still in play like, Skid Bitch, and Orange Chernobyl Ants are worth a try. 

Streamers: Small leech patterns like an Aaron's Leech, Woolly Grubbers, and black brown or olive Woolly Buggers have been extremely effective. Kreelex Minnows, Bow River Buggers (both Conehead and OG), Clouser Minnows, and Flesh Eating Sculpin are also good streamer choices.

Nymphs: Will's Chai T, Kaleidoscope, TJ Hooker, Aaron's BT Rubber Leg, Tungsten Prince, Copper John's, Red Wire Worms, and Wagler Boatman.

The nice weather seems to be sticking around for now. Get out while the getting is good. Tight lines!


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