Bow River Report February 18, 2024

Bow River Report February 18, 2024

Conditions are warming and water clarity is excellent right now, but be careful on ice shelves and watch for floating ice.

Nymphing will be your best bet at catching fish. Slow and deep. This is the time to be targeting deep pools and walking pace water.

Streamer fishing has been slow. Fish slow and deep. Tumbling leech patterns using 9-12 feet of leader on a dry line through pools and deep runs has been working fairly well. Let the flies finish their drift and and give a few short strips to entice any followers.

Using a trout spey to swing flies through pools and runs has resulted in quite a few fish recently. 

Hatches of Blue Winged Olives and midges are occurring. Keep an eye out for snouts. 

As usual, we encourage everyone to pinch their barbs. Pinched barbs will help ensure that releasing the fish is easier on you and the fish.

We recommend you handle your fish with care by:
  1. Minimize air exposure
  2. Eliminate contact with dry surfaces 
  3. Reduce handling time

There is still time to tie flies to fill the fly box for spring. More fly tying materials may be in order.

Join Fish Tales' Craig Robillard for his 5-night course that is focused on lake fishing tactics and tying lake flies. The course runs Thursdays, February 22 and 29, and March 7, 21 and 28th. Spaces still available.

Check out what's available this winter on our courses page. 

Bow River Flies to try: 

Dries: If you are not willing to give up the dry fly then maybe give midges or blue winged olives a try. Midges to try are: Griffith's Gnat, Parachute Midges, and Zebra Midges  BWO patterns like Double Vision BWO's, or Foam Emerger BWO Biot are worth a try. 

Streamers: Small leech patterns like an Aaron's Leech, Tungsten Peacock Leech, and black, brown or olive Woolly Buggers have been effective. Try fishing a leech behind a Bow River Bugger, Clouser Minnow, or Flesh Eating Sculpin are also good streamer choices.

Nymphs: Will's Chai T, Kaleidoscope, TJ Hooker, Tungsten Prince, Copper John's, and any San Juan Worm pattern.

spey flies

Trout Spey: Mini Me Graboid (all colours), AF Keith's Weighted Mini Stinger Brown, and RIO's Pocket Rocket (all colours).

Winter is still here, but don't give up there will be more and more chances to get out. Layering is still important and we have lots of underwear and base layer options to keep you comfortable on the river.

Keep an eye on our events page for all of our activities.

Tight lines!


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