Thanksgiving River Report - October 9th, 2021

Thanksgiving River Report - October 9th, 2021

Fall has arrived with typical Calgary long weekend conditions expected (rain and snow). Despite the cooler temps, it looks like the milder weather will return for the latter part of the month, and that means some great BWO hatches could be on the way. We have been seeing a few sippers this past week, especially in slower, flat water and fish have been eating exceptionally small emergers. Fish a double fly set up with a dry up top and small emerger 18" to 24" behind if the fish won't eat your top water dry.

Hopper dropper has slowed up with only the occasional eats on the hopper with most of the action being below the surface.  Fish are still feeding in shallower water but we are starting to see them concentrate more on the shelves and buckets as we move closer to winter. Lengthen your dropper or switch to indicator nymphing to hit those deeper spots now. Try orange Stimulators close to the bank to imitate freshly hatched October Caddis.

Streamer fishing has been moderately effective, with about as many fish on a trailing boatmen as on the streamer. Streamers seem to be the best bet for larger fish right now. Smaller leech patterns and small baitfish have been the most effective streamer patterns.

Flies to try: 

Nymphs: Will's Chai Tea, Bead Head Prince Nymph, Brown Wagler Boatmen, large caddis pupa patterns, Trina's Bubble Back Emerger BWO

Dries: Rusty Spinner, CDC Thorax BWO, Griffith's Gnat, other teeny tiny BWOs, orange Stimulators 

Streamers: Kreelex Minnows, High-Res Bugger, Fruit Rollup, Peacock Leech

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