An Anglers Astoria (2nd Edition) by Dave Hughes
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Explores what it is like to be a Northwest fisherman, describing fishing methods, geographical differences in rivers & concern with the river's environment. New preface & a substantive, new, unpublished piece, "Life Cycles." A reflective, exuberant collection of stories & essays about Hughes' home water near his hometown, Astoria, Oregon. 8 B&W illus; 6x9 inches, 240 pgs.
A new epilogue complements and completes one of the books that launched Dave Hughes' career.
Praise for the first edition:
"Hughes' thesis seems to be that angling is a rare pleasure to be shared in print as well as enjoyed in person." --Steve Raymond, Flyfisher
"His views on conservation are especially refreshing with a depth of historical perspective and a clean line of reasoning that will grab your understanding first, then your emotions, unlike much of the standard rhetoric that omits that first step." --John Gierach
"An Angler's Astoria is full of the youthful exuberance of its author and his Pacific Northwest. Among so many books of doleful reminiscence (written by young men), Hughes's stories are oases." --Fly Fisherman
"Like his more formal works, An Angler's Astoria contains many lessons, the kind you come by honestly, if you grow up fishing a place you learn to love--homewaters, or heartwaters as it were--and ultimately become an aquatic entomologist-cum-expert fly fisher." --Seth Norman, California Fly Fisher
By Dave Hughes - 2020 (revised edition)