Pocket Guide to Fly Fishing by Ron Cordes
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A comprehensive introduction to the sport of fly fishing. Topics include Fly Reel Types & Selection, Fly Line Types and Usage, Leaders, Knots, Hooks, Food Sources and corresponding Fly Patterns, Rise Forms, Fishing Strategies, and Fly Casting among other topics. Waterproof. B/w drawings; 3x4 inches, 28 pgs.
What you really need to know, when you really need it! Pocket Guides are fully illustrated, waterproof, spiral bound, pocket-sized plastic books jam packed with critical information from field experts. World renowned Pocket Guides have had an international almost cult-like following for over ten years. Join the experts and carry Pocket Guides for all your recreational sports, hobbies and emergency needs.
Virtually indestructible and completely indispensible.
Ron Cordes & Gary Lafontaine
Pocket Guides Publishing, Jan 1999
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