Water report - June 15, 2020

Water report - June 15, 2020

Folks have been wondering and it's about that time, so here's a quick update on what's happening on the water in and around Calgary. 

The Bow is in runoff and being impacted by local rain events. River levels are fluctuating accordingly. Fishing has been intermittent with most success on sub-surface nymphs. The caddis are starting to be more prevalent on warmer evenings. We're seeing some Alberta Wildrose blossoms along the river's edge which means stonefly season isn't far off AND soon the water should be the streamer green color that streamer-fishing anglers covet. 

This is the time of year the AB Rivers App is extremely helpful. Watch for an upcoming video on how to use and understand the information the App provides.

Launch update: Glenmore, Fish Creek, Policeman's, McKinnon's, Legacy, and Carseland boat launches are all accessible. Upgrades to the lower road at Policeman's were completed by Bow River Trout Foundation earlier this month. 

Flies to try: 

Nymphs: These continue to be your best bet until conditions settle out. San Juan Worms and leeches are consistent producers on the Bow. Or you could opt for other proven patterns like a beadhead princes, copper johns, hare's ears, or stonefly nymphs like jimmy legs, Smethurst Stone Bombs. 

Dries: Elk hair or Swisher's Dancing Caddis, parachute caddis. 

Streamers: Black and White clousers, skiddish smolt, dungeons, Kreelex minnows, Bow River buggers

June 16 is opening day on the Eastern Slopes. We've been checking flow rates and snow pack and some systems may be in decent shape especially higher up. Lots of bears being seen recently so be bear aware when in the bush. We will share more information as it comes in. 

Flies to try (mountain streams): 

Nymphs: copper johns, prince nymph, lightning bugs, UV Hare's Ear, small stones, the Better-than-sex Drake, Clinger nymph. 

Dries: Lime trude, small stimulators, yellow sally, parachute caddis. 

Streamers: take your pick - depending on what you're going to target. Pink gartsides or buggers, white Clark's rat or Dungeon, Kreelex Minnow silver/black, or copper/gold. 

Lakes have been fishing well.

Flies to try:

Trout - Chironomids, boobies, micro and balanced leeches

Pike - Len's killa, half n' half, sliders. 

Happy Fishing. 



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